Monday, April 26, 2010

Welcome everyone to my blog! I needed to create this blog for my college composition class. Each week on top of the assigned work for the blog I will be doing a list of my top 10 favorite movies of all time. I will be posting one new movie a week and explaining why it's in my top 10, so I hope you all enjoy it. :)

Movie #10
The Big Lebowski

The Big Lebowski comes in at my #10 spot. For anyone here that has seen any Coen Brother movies you already know why this made it. The Coen's have directed other fine movies such as; Fargo, No Country for Old men, and O Brother, Where Art Thou? The movie as about Jeffrey "The Dude" Lebowski being mistaken for a millionaire whos name is also Lebowski. The Dude then becomes entangled in a plot where he goes to visit the actual Lebowski for compensation on a destroyed rug, when he is suddenly recruited to be a liason between Lebowski and the captors of his wife.

At first this may sound confusing or not too funny, but in reality this is a very funny and easy to follow movie. The "Dude" is played by Jeff Bridges and his partner in crime is played by none other than the great John Goodman. There are many famous quotes from this movie as well as an annual festival devoted to the film.

This film alone is why my favorite drink is now the white russian, the Dude's favorite drink, and is also what made me fall in love with the Coen Brothers films. The mix of humor with a serious story and some violent matter is a masterpiece to behold. I'd definetely recommend seeing this if you have enjoyed past movies like Fargo.

Any comments or questions are welcome, and I hope you enjoyed yourself.

Trailer for movie: warning some language


  1. Hi todd My husbad and I watch a lot of movies to Just last night we watched to Time Travlers Wife It was Not as Good as it was made out to be! Not even close to being as good as the note book! What is your take on the advatar movie?

  2. Avatar I originally thought I would hate, when I finally gave in and watched it, it turned out that I loved it. I thought it was going to be one of those big budget, no substance, hollywood movies, but I was actually wrong. The story actually touched me somewhat emotionally. And I agree with you, the time travelers wife was not all that great, however the notebook was a wonderful movie!
