Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Well here we are entering week 2, and so I give off my #9 favorite movie. Hope you enjoyed my previous post. I will continue to update each week till I get to #1, as well as include some work that I need to for my composition class. :)

Movie #9

A Good Year

A Good Year enter's my #9 spot. Now for anyone here that has seen and been a fan of Ridley Scott's work, this is a bit of a change from his style. Instead of being some action or suspense movie, this is a drama and comedy. Now I usually start off with talking about the synopsis of what the movie is, but I want to start by saying, anyone who I have ever recomended this movie to has had a fantastic day. This movie is one of the most heart warming, feel good, life is not as bad as it seems, type movies.

A Good Year is about a very successful banker named Max Skinner, played by Russell Crowe, who learns of his uncle's death. As a boy Max spent a lot of time on the vineyard that his uncle owned, which he has now inherited. Max goes to France with intent on selling the property. He spends a few days there, getting the property ready to show. Memories, a beautful woman, and a young American who says she's his uncle's illegitimate daughter interrupt his plans. Soon Max finds himself with a whole new decision to make.

That's about all i can really say without spoiling the wonderful story that follows. There are a lot of drama's and love stories now days, but none of them have touched me as much as this film did. If you're ever down, or just looking to have a great time, you can't go wrong with this movie. It helped me realize there's always more to life than you originally may think. I hope you enjoy it. :)

Trailer for the movie: