Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Already to movie #3 this week.

Movie #3

Boondock Saints

Boondock Saints comes in #3 this week. Two Irish brothers accidentally killed mafia thugs. They turned themselves in and were released as heroes. They then see it as a calling by God and started knocking off mafia gang members one by one. Willem Dafoe plays the detective trying to figure out the killings, but the closer he was to catching the Irish brothers, the more he thinks the brothers are doing the right thing.

This movie was actually the basis for two of the tattoos that I have. Now even though the plot that surrounds this movie may seem very serious this is actually a pretty funny action/drama. The troubling situations the brothers get themselves into at times can be downright hilarious. Add a top notch acting job from Willem Dafoe and you have a recipe for an amazing movie. This movie did spawn a sequel 10 years later, which is almost as good, but the original still remains the best in my opinion. So sit back, relax and have fun with this entertaining movie.

Trailer for movie: