Monday, May 10, 2010

Here we are in week 4, and so comes my blog with movie #7. We sure are blasting through the top 10 it seems. Taking a step into a sad/happy realm with this choice, so enjoy!

Movie #7

P.S. I Love You

P.S. I Love You makes it to the #7 spot on my list. A grieving widow finds her husband's warmth radiating from the afterlife when she discovers that he left her a series of tasks to be revealed in ten monthly messages and designed to help her overcome her sorrow while gradually making the transition into a new life. Holly Kennedy (Hillary Swank) is a beautiful and successful woman whose good-humored husband Gerry (Gerard Butler) always stood by her side. Suddenly, and seemingly out of nowhere, Gerry succumbs to a devastating illness and Holly is left to face an uncertain future.

Just by reading the synopsis of the movie, I'm sure you can already tell that it's a sad movie, and you would be right in saying so. However at the same time this is an amazingly happy movie, let me explain why without giving to much away. This movie goes to show you how you can move on and be happy in life even after a loved one passes on. It teaches you that death can be sad, but also a blessing to a better life. Just because someone's gone does not mean they need to be forgotten. This movie is touching in so many different aspects it's kind of hard to sum it all up in a few words. I know personally this movie opened my eyes to a lot of truths about life. All in all at the end of the movie, I was filled with joy, knowing that through sadness there is also true happyness. I hope this movie can touch you as much as it did me. Enjoy!

Btw followers, don't be afraid to comment on my quick reviews, or even what you think of the movies I chose, all is welcome!

Trailer for P.S. I Love You


  1. Hey Todd,
    I loved this movie! I wish it ended differently but it couldn't or it would mess up the story line. My favorite movie is the Notebook. Wonder if that will be in one of your top 10 movies? I would love to read your review on that movie.

  2. I fully understand what you mean about wanting this movie to end differently, but like you also said, there's no way it could have. I actually really liked the notebook as well, very touching and sad ending. I guess you will have to wait and see what movies remain in my top 10! :)

  3. This movie has to be one of my all time favorites :) I love a movie that makes me laugh and cry and leave feeling happy. Thanks for sharing..I look forward to next weeks movie.
