Sunday, June 13, 2010

Movie #1

Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

Fleeing the evil Galactic Empire, the rebels abandon their new base on Hoth. Princess Leia, Han Solo and the droids R2-D2 and C-3P0 escape in the damaged Millenium Falcon, but are later captured by Lord Darth Vader on Bespin. Skywalker, meanwhile, follows Ben Kenobi's posthumous command and receives Jedi training by Yoda on Dagobah. Will Skywalker manage to rescue his friends from the dark lord?

First, I would like to point out that this year is the 30th anniversary of this film. Now when it comes to Star Wars it's always difficult to pick out which one would come out as my favorite. Most of my movie statues are from Star Wars, I have Star Wars tattoo's, I live and breathe it, yes I know I'm a geek. I went with the Empire Strikes back for multipule reasons as being my favorite Star Wars film. First, it showed how evil can overcome good and still have good prevail at the end even after taking a beating. Second, this film introduced my favorite Star Wars character of all time, Boba Fett. I know that some of you may have thought Yoda, and you would have been close, but instead I picked a character that has a whole five lines of dialogue throughout every movie, yet the most interesting story of all the characters. I'm sure most of you have seen this movie, and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. I recommend that you put it back in to bring back good memories and perhaps learn some new things about the film, such as the story of Boba Fett. The Star Wars universe is vast and adventurous, and will be remembered for years and years to come.

Trailer for movie:

Movie #2

Indiana Jones: The Last Crusade

Three years after he recovered The Ark of the Covenant. Jones recovered an artifact that he found as a kid, the Cross of Francisco De Coronado from treasure hunters. Now, Jones discovers the history of another biblical artifact called "The Holy Grail". He was also informed that his father, Henry Jones is missing. Jones has to find his father who is looking for the Grail. However, Jones will become involved in the search of the Holy Grail along with his father, as well as fighting the Nazis to reach it.

I still refuse to acknowledge the garbage that was The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull as being an actual Indiana Jones film, so out of the three Jones films this is definetely my favorite. Now I know most of you are probably thinking that the first is the best, being that it started this amazing storyline, however teaming up Harrison Ford with Sean Connery made this an instant classic. The comedy between father and son, on top of the epic journey for the holy grail make this a film that will not be forgotten.

Trailer for movie:

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Already to movie #3 this week.

Movie #3

Boondock Saints

Boondock Saints comes in #3 this week. Two Irish brothers accidentally killed mafia thugs. They turned themselves in and were released as heroes. They then see it as a calling by God and started knocking off mafia gang members one by one. Willem Dafoe plays the detective trying to figure out the killings, but the closer he was to catching the Irish brothers, the more he thinks the brothers are doing the right thing.

This movie was actually the basis for two of the tattoos that I have. Now even though the plot that surrounds this movie may seem very serious this is actually a pretty funny action/drama. The troubling situations the brothers get themselves into at times can be downright hilarious. Add a top notch acting job from Willem Dafoe and you have a recipe for an amazing movie. This movie did spawn a sequel 10 years later, which is almost as good, but the original still remains the best in my opinion. So sit back, relax and have fun with this entertaining movie.

Trailer for movie:

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Coming in with movie #4 this week.

Movie #4


Snatch is a 2000 comedy crime film written and directed by British filmmaker Guy Ritchie, and featuring an ensemble cast. Set in the London criminal underworld, the film contains two intertwined plots — one dealing with the search for a stolen diamond, the other with a small-time boxing promoter named Turkish (Jason Statham) who finds himself under the thumb of a sadistic gangster known as Brick Top (Alan Ford). Snatch is characterized by an assortment of colourful characters, including the "pikey" Irish Traveller Mickey O'Neil (Brad Pitt), Russian-Uzbek ex-KGB agent and arms-dealer Boris "the Blade" Yurinov (Rade Sherbedgia), professional thief and gambling addict Frankie "Four-Fingers" (Benicio del Toro) and bounty hunter Bullet-Tooth Tony (Vinnie Jones). It is also distinguished by a kinetic direction and editing style, a circular plot featuring numerous ironic twists of chance and causality, and a fast pace. The film shares similar themes, ideas and motifs as Ritchie's first film, Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels. It is also filmed in the same visual style and features many of the same actors, including Vinnie Jones, Jason Statham and Jason Flemyng, who appears in a minor role as one of the "pikeys".

Snatch is one of the most memorable films of all time for me because of the way Guy Ritchie was able to add comedy to what was once a serious film. To better it, add in different story lines that come together in a humorous way, and you get a film unlike any other that you can recall in recent memory. To go from a film that the director thought was going to be a failure and have it end up being a huge success world wide is not a feat that's easy to do, but Guy was able to pull it off. So sit back, laugh, cringe, and enjoy this wonderful movie. I promise you will walk away quoting lines from the movie and laughing about it for the next few days.

Trailer for movie:

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Already halfway through the countdown, here we go with movie #5.

Movie #5

Saving Private Ryan

Saving Private Ryan comes in at #5 on my list.Opening with the Allied invasion of Normandy on 6 June 1944, members of the 2nd Ranger Battalion under Cpt. Miller fight ashore to secure a beachhead. Amidst the fighting, two brothers are killed in action. Earlier in New Guinea, a third brother is KIA. Their mother, Mrs. Ryan, is to receive all three of the grave telegrams on the same day. The United States Army Chief of Staff, George C. Marshall, is given an opportunity to alleviate some of her grief when he learns of a fourth brother, Private James Ryan, and decides to send out 8 men (Cpt. Miller and select members from 2nd Rangers) to find him and bring him back home to his mother.

I don't really know how to express my feelings for this movie. To put it simply, this is one of the most important film of our times. To see how our grandfathers fought for our country is more emotion than I can express in words. The first time I saw this movie I cried, and I'm pretty sure the whole theater did. The scenes that were shown were that of heart wrenching and heart warming. It will always be remembered by all who see it. If you havent seen it, go see it, now. That's about all I'm going to say out of respect.
Trailer for movie:

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Here we are coming in week 5 with movie #6 of the top 10. This week we take a bleak look into the future of our world, yet learn the heartwarming story that comes out of it. Enjoy!

Movie #6

The Road

The Road takes the #6 spot in my list. The Road shares the premise of the novel on which it is based: a father (Mortensen) and his young son (Smit-McPhee) struggle to survive a number of years after an unspecified, devastating cataclysm has destroyed civilization, killed all plant and animal life, and obscured the sun; only remnants of mankind remain alive, reduced to scavenging or cannibalism. Man and boy are traveling southward, in the hope that it will be warmer. Along the way, they search for shelter, food, and fuel, and avoid bands of cannibals while trying to maintain their own sense of humanity.

If you haven't read Cormac McCarthy's novel, The Road, I urge you to do so preferably before you see the film because it will add depth and texture to your film experience. The Road is a study of how it's easy to conduct a good, upright life during times of prosperity and happiness and less so when everything goes to hell. Yet the kicker is that it's at times of devastation when behaving with moral conviction may be most important. The Road is a haunting portrait of what it means to be a parent. Keeping one's child safe in a world full of harm can be the most terrifying endeavor for any adult. Througout this film seeing the struggles that the father goes through to do this is truly heartwarming. It will touch you in ways that you did not know a film could touch you. When the film comes to it's dramatic end you will truly be touched. I hope you enjoy this film as much as I did, it made me truly realize through the fire and flames there can still be hope on the other side.

The road comes out on Blu-ray and DVD next week.

Trailer for the movie:

Monday, May 10, 2010

Here we are in week 4, and so comes my blog with movie #7. We sure are blasting through the top 10 it seems. Taking a step into a sad/happy realm with this choice, so enjoy!

Movie #7

P.S. I Love You

P.S. I Love You makes it to the #7 spot on my list. A grieving widow finds her husband's warmth radiating from the afterlife when she discovers that he left her a series of tasks to be revealed in ten monthly messages and designed to help her overcome her sorrow while gradually making the transition into a new life. Holly Kennedy (Hillary Swank) is a beautiful and successful woman whose good-humored husband Gerry (Gerard Butler) always stood by her side. Suddenly, and seemingly out of nowhere, Gerry succumbs to a devastating illness and Holly is left to face an uncertain future.

Just by reading the synopsis of the movie, I'm sure you can already tell that it's a sad movie, and you would be right in saying so. However at the same time this is an amazingly happy movie, let me explain why without giving to much away. This movie goes to show you how you can move on and be happy in life even after a loved one passes on. It teaches you that death can be sad, but also a blessing to a better life. Just because someone's gone does not mean they need to be forgotten. This movie is touching in so many different aspects it's kind of hard to sum it all up in a few words. I know personally this movie opened my eyes to a lot of truths about life. All in all at the end of the movie, I was filled with joy, knowing that through sadness there is also true happyness. I hope this movie can touch you as much as it did me. Enjoy!

Btw followers, don't be afraid to comment on my quick reviews, or even what you think of the movies I chose, all is welcome!

Trailer for P.S. I Love You